
Seriously?? We do have males here who feel entitled but its just their asshole opinion! No North American woman lives with the fear of being jailed or executed for her opinion! Have you ever known anyone to be openly fondled in public because the hair on her head showed? *smh*

That exchange is what stood out to me the most out of this whole sad story. Shirani’s response to that woman was perfect on so many levels because it demonstrates the perversity of religion, and specifically religion in the context of a country with no separation of church and state. The only way for a woman not to

That’s annoying in western countries where you at least don’t have this fear of political reprisal hanging over you. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for this woman knowing she was risking imprisonment—not just for herself but for her family—for “damaging the political system.” No wonder she fled the

Why, because of the sexual harassment? I mean, it goes on in the most non-Westernized countries in the Middle East, too.

The comments on her facebook page are sad as hell. “Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing,” and “You could have just left.” UGH.

Sure on the show there are more of the products that you are talking about. Not all but there is merit to your observation, even if your statement reads as dismissive. However the problem is deeper than what appears on the episode. The show goes through a casting process. Remember this is TV so the process of bias

I think the actual percentage of genuinely innovative or good ideas is pretty low on shark tank for either gender. The casting directors are therefore looking for what will be entertaining to their audience. That they tend to choose women that have business ideas that are fulfilling traditional gender roles seems

And I'm sure that's a representative example of women in business and not a casting decision AT ALL.

Right because that is literally the only kinds of businesses that women found. WTF?

Yes. Life in prison sounds good and better than being a child bride in many ways, I would imagine.

I hope she gets life in prison, that is the best possible, other punishments may include being stoned/gang raped and hung on trial.

Yeah. The idea of a fair trial is laughable, but I hope international awareness does something for her. Anything.

Good. I'm glad him and his friends, the men who would be congratulating this pedophile on his new bride are dead. Hope they suffered greatly before they died. Maybe more men in their country will think twice before taking a child bride.

This child was sold into a lifetime of rape, torture, and slavery. Then she had to fucking cater the party that celebrated the transaction. I'm not a big fan of murder, but I can see the justification in this.

Thank you. We need to be very cognizant of how language is used to normalize and legitimize atrocities.

Shit, in Northern Nigeria? I wouldn't hold my breath.

We need to stop calling it "marriage." These are not "child brides."

Ok, this is atrocious. To be clear, not her escape from an exploitative and abusive situation, but the prosecution of this trapped child, given to a man more than twice her age and expected to sleep with him. Fuck that motherfucker, fuck the system, and fuck whoever was supposed to be looking out for her.

If I was basically sold as a sexual slave I'm pretty sure I would fight my captor with violence too. I hope the girls situation and age is taken into consideration when they prosecute her.

I agree that her circumstances, which should be illegal, are at the very least a mitigating factor, as is her age. But sadly in a country where officials keep harems of child brides the same age as her, I don't think she'll receive any leniency.