First, go buy a good rechargable head lamp. Second. You only need a clutch if you are planning on stopping. It is my thought that the previous driver also didn’t use the clutch much, and that is why 5th is hard to get into.
First, go buy a good rechargable head lamp. Second. You only need a clutch if you are planning on stopping. It is my thought that the previous driver also didn’t use the clutch much, and that is why 5th is hard to get into.
I did, It gave two options, neither of them paper.
How many oil changes and tire rotations do you suppose Jiffy Lube does in a day? Now, We have heard of what, a hand full of fuck ups? Math people. Do you think that a dealership has never fucked up someones car?
He obviously hasn’t purchased Stone lately.
How is Wyoming in Almost not winter, soon to be dusty/pre-winter?
LOL, Escalade. LOL. More Like a fully loaded G Wagen
Do you work in Laundry, or the kitchen?
I think a sweet 79 Pinto wagon would be the one! Oh dream cars!
Can I get a real, Paper version of your book?
That is due to having a warranty. Just wait. It WILL happen.
LOL, and your Dutch.
I guess I’m the best at one thing!
And you wonder why you don’t get a good trade in amount for your trucks? I’ve seen farm trucks. They’re destroyed!
You apparently forgot to factor in maintenance. It isn’t free you know. How much do you suppose that an oil change costs on a big rig?
And the crash tests show why.
Ask a good used Truck dealer what they look at in a truck first. The condition of the bed. If the bed is beat up, so is the rest of the truck. Anyone that would do that to their truck is a moron.
Um, that’s called being a lazy turd. One bad toss and you hit the bed side. Clearly you have never done any physical work.
Because you regularly drop materials into your truck bed from 5 feet, Right?
That and he’s damn near horizontal the entire lap.
Street sweeping is EPA Mandated. It keeps polution from entering into the storm drain system, and then later streams, rivers and the ocean.