THIS is why you tip the valet, folks.
THIS is why you tip the valet, folks.
“Used ice & garnish? What am I, a farmer?”
Tim Tebow would Mount Magary.
Stop making-up words.
Shoulda driven this thing *wearing* a speedo.
WHY is there a window in the bathroom door? WHY????
Leave the nostalgia, take the dog.
Buy it, give the old timer an extra thousand, and then paint it brown.
Saw one of these for the first time in YEARS next to Clemente’s in Brooklyn. I walked around and around, peering inside and squatting down to get the lines & angles. Even the seats, although pretty trashed, were beautifully sculpted.
Heard a news report this morning that she was shot multiple times. Anyone else hear this?
I used to live near the intersection of Cumming St & Seaman Ave. On the corner? ...a church.
How is THAT a 65 zone?
At Billy Joel’s motorcycle museum, every single bike was tagged & on a battery charger - ready to go for a ride.
This is a great read about un-exploded ordinance in Germany.
The spray foam insulation is a neat idea, but I shudder to think what you’re inhaling.
Why dont they buy these guys higher chairs?
LoL cuddle