Why do those three creatures all have the same haircut?
Why do those three creatures all have the same haircut?
CP, but it’s tempting when topless.
That looks like Janice from accounting...
Dude can keep the Baja for >$3000 (although.. WOULD RAGE), but I’ll take his SIX CAR GARAGE
If I were a billionaire I would buy that car to take a dump in. What an ugly POS (the car; my dumps are modern art masterpieces).
DO NOT google “chestburger”
Why do motorhomes always have the UGLIEST or TACKIEST cabinetry????
Thanks for this! WANT.
re; Rollerpoop - as my best friend once warned me “mmyeah... there’s no clenching up hill”.
FUCKIN EGGS, BACON. every. single. word.
Half LifeHack:
Sometimes, in bed with my gf, I will raspberry her neck or belly. And rip ass at the same time. The sound covers perfectly, and she laughs from the tickling as well.
“The General Pee”
Many years ago, I went to grab a takeout pizza with my friend who had that BMW. Returning home, he took “the never-ending curve” at god knows what speed (very talented driver; Skip Barber instructor, Formula Ford racing, rich kid but good guy). When we got inside and opened the pie, all the cheese and toppings had…
THANKS FOR THIS! Always wondered about these wheels.
OH.MY.GOD. i just looked those up, and I remembered my Scottish gramma telling me about them once. She was dead serious. FREAKED me the fuck out (6-7yrs old). Now I’m freaked out all over again. Wow.
I’m glad. Also, and not to be a jerk! maybe you’re a medium (or whatever) and might need to address that at some point. My best friend’s wife... WOW what a difference since she’s ‘embraced’ that side of herself and is learning how to deal with it.
really sorry that stuff happened - that’s some sad and terrifying stuff. I’m at work right now, surrounded by probably 200 people. Brighter than day in here. I have goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck is bristling. Seriously - how do kids survive this shit?