This should have gotten way more stars. Gallows humor shouldn't be so underappreciated here.
This should have gotten way more stars. Gallows humor shouldn't be so underappreciated here.
MLB agent Jason Wood was fired from his position as president of baseball at CSE Talent agency after a player…
D.C. United drops upwards of $3.5 million plus a seven-figure salary to sign Paul Arriola today. LA drops $8 million to bring Carlos Vela to an expansion team. Dom Dwyer gets sold (between two MLS teams!) two weeks ago for $1.5 million.
But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?
“These people have awful names.”
newuser0x absolutely did not “all lives matter” you. What they were saying was that race had absolutely nothing to do with this story so the boy’s race did not merit mentioning. When white boys do something meritorious, no one feels compelled to remind everyone that they are, in fact, white when mentioning the…
If you’re done hauling a large amount of crap, and you can’t go off-roading because your truck is too big, what are…
You’re right, 20 years IS too light. This is straight up treason.
Power rangers duh.
Russia’s love for anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles is no secret and a wide variety of weapons have been…
Watching this B-roll of the 2017 Ford Raptor doodling around Michigan’s Silver Lake sand dunes we realized; this…
So, you’re on a first name basis with a murderer who recruited her then lover to murder her husband. That is so heartwarming!
She only made those differences after plotting and succeeding to kill her husband.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Monday that she anticipated “pursuing additional charges against…
Things seem pretty weird for YouTube’s biggest star right now.
Good riddance Smisek you cheesy fuck. Your stupid merger of Continental with United screwed everyone except you. Because of you I started flying American again, even though they don’t fly nonstop anywhere. Asshole.
“Predatory loans”...yeah, fuck those assholes and their collusion with Johnson’s parents. I have zero sympathy for these bloodsuckers and the shady, high-interest loans business. Lending out that high above prime, they’ve made more than enough money to absorb the occasional loss, right. That’s the business they’re in.