Joia Mitchell

That didn't exactly work out well for Aiden tho, did it. Carrie ended up breaking his heart, and a couple years later, back with Mr. Big! He clearly shouldn't have forgiven her, or gotten back with her at all.

The idea that they are actually just slaves is actually kinda fitting….

Though I agree Alicia is pretty grey at this point, Alicia never cheated. Having a relationship with someone while separated is hardly cheating, there was no presumption that Peter and her were together at that point AT ALL. Peter just calls it cheating because he's a chauvinistic asshole.

It also didn't make sense Penny quitting her job to focus on her acting when she was fairly broke even while working. Logically it would make sense them living together, but Penny is forever non-committal about their relationship frankly.

I loved the comic book chick, she was perfect! He should've broken up with Priya and then gone and hooked up with her, absolutely. Priya was a bitch to him anyway.

I honestly think Leonard could do better. He's had other love interests who were cute and smart and actually interested in him. It's not because he's a geek, they just aren't good together

Yeah, not true…especially if you count pre and post-sex stuff. It would depend on the context if it was bad, quickees are fun, but they both looked bored afterward honestly.

It was actually. Penny getting Leonard half-eaten free candy however…..

I think the writers THINK they are endgame but they are really a miserable couple. They don't even seem to enjoy each other's company anymore, and the pairing has been questionable from the beginning.

I think it would be settling because she doesn't actually want him. She doesn't really want Leonard either. Its not settling because Penny is a catch, Leonard can, and has, done better than her frankly, its settling because if you are dating someone you aren't interested in you are settling, even if nothing is wrong

They are both jerks, that relationship brings out the worst in both of them, probably because they are so poorly matched. Penny has never actually been that into Leonard, and Leonard has just turned into a giant jerk when he didn't use to be.

I believe it was the ex who helped him get the job, which made him then deciding to make that movie all the more bizarre, since the ex didn't seem like a bad guy. And I had the impression that she had DATED guys in-between, but not had sex with them, she specifically stated "there's always a reason to not have sex

But, the reason why Stella is different is because her ex still would have been around. Significantly, they had a child together. She clearly never got over him, that's the whole reason she made such a stink about Robin being there, and the whole reason she waited five years after their break-up to have sex with

I don't think its fair to say that Ted lost Stella because of Robin. If she was willing to ditch him on her wedding day, she would've left him eventually anyway, it would've just been a divorce instead of at the alter, she was plainly never that into him. Victoria is a pretty good example of that though.

This, so this.

Disagree, Jeanette was so awful it wasn't at all believable. Ted and Zoey together were awful, but she wasn't just a totally worthless crazy person, Ted being willing to date Jeanette made no sense at all, and the show's attempts to justify it were just lazy. She was definitely the worst, it wasn't even funny.

He wasn't a pathetic loser then, the show decided to wreck him as a person.

I completely agree with this. Penny and Sheldon are fun as friends but they'd be a nightmare in a relationship. But Leonard and Penny aren't good together either, and they never really have been,

I agree, this week was great and last weeks was terrible, unfunny, pointless, etc etc

That could be a metaphor for this entire show.