The nature of ownership hasn’t changed, what has changed is that our ability to utilise that license isn’t as self-contained as it once was.
The nature of ownership hasn’t changed, what has changed is that our ability to utilise that license isn’t as self-contained as it once was.
Its almost like we should just pirate everything Ubisoft (and every AAA publisher) ever makes.
I don’t think it’s a “great series”. I respect your opinion and know you’re not the only one sharing it.
At the same time, a lot of people including me think this tv show is not good at all. Like embarrasingly bad, actually (like it’s not up for debate, even after taste and preferences considerations, like there was…
Blizzard will probably mention this guy in their next earnings report.
I’m assuming there is some degree of fraud that goes into leading players into believing that microtransactions will benefit them and their gameplay experience, only to exclude players from the content that the transactions were supposed to make better.
Personally, if there’s any regulation in gaming, it should be…
I think they way they have varied the reward on the tickets is better than it was in GT Sport, where you got a car every time. However the idea of wining specific upgrades for cars that aren’t available to buy most days, or invitations to buy cars you don’t have the credits for is a bad deal. These mileage tickets are…
The cynic in me wonders if this response is to actually please fans, or to appease Sony. Sony’s flagship racing game getting worse scores and reviews than BF2042, especially after decades of critical acclaim with only the occasional misstep, had to have stung.
Yeah this will help me feel a little better about the 5000cr I will inevitably get for my next marathon ticket.
They actually did, and they were all fairly angry that they were out of apparently a well paying job to please the PC police.
Has anyone actually asked a “grid girl” or a group of “grid girls” how they feel?
Ron is also too dumb to just retain the services of an auction company. He could have that field cleaned out inside a week if he did.
He isn’t getting lowball offers, he is getting market rate offers and then scrapping vehicles instead because he is having a tantrum over market rate for cars which have sat in a field for years not being worth more than he paid for them.
Why yes it is. You run around a jungle with giant man sized swords fighting helicopters. If you are lucky the super rare “Air Wolf” might even show up
The progressive left likes “diversity” only as far as it serves them politically.
Assuming the minority in question is in lock step with progressive politics. Otherwise, you start getting a lot of liberal whites getting comfortable with phrases like house n-word and Uncle Tom. Weird how that works.
No shit. Brands want images. To be fair, the liberal version of diversity is only skin deep.
The key difference here is Capcom has refined MH over the years and created the ultimate version of it, as a game to be played by new and old players for possibly years to come. Destiny is a platform to sell microtransactions and expansion passes to make as much money as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time.
As someone who spends more time in the character creator than the game, I totally empathise here. I absolutely HATE when that creation doesn’t turn out the same in the in-game engine. Especially when I have to play through some 20 minute intro before I can even see them (side eyes Destiny).
Politics soaking it’s way into everything. I refuse to do business with anyone that uses their business to push an agenda.