
You could but it wont be cheap and it would still be illegal

You wouldnt do anything if it was your neighbor... talk big on the internet

Those are the 3 top grossing games? and Trump is about the win the republican race?

So basically a super primitive coil-gun

Not even Blue Label...

I just buy pre-grated cheese... screw that cleanup

This is why Americans can’t have nice things... Its always, “Im right so screw everyone else!” instead of “Hey lets do whatever makes everything easier for everyone”

Sunday Comics Edition

Reminds me of the Mini Cooper S that my wife had for a while.. it was a cute car and kind of fun to drive but by god it was designed by a 12 year old art student... absolutely nothing made sense on that car from a human usability point of view

Everyone knows its a bluff.. USA isnt the bully who’s going to beat up the kid who provides lunch money and does the homework.

Are you new to online games?

I honestly think we’ve been doing it wrong all this time. To me it makes more sense that you are paying for a lease on usage. If your book collection gets lost to a fire youre screwed too. At least with digital you can access it as long as the service is there. Im OK with paying for that service and convenience.

Im ready to upgrade my macbook 12 to the new skylake model if they really increase battery life by 30% (its realistically only around 5-6hrs right now) and also add a 2nd USB-C port; they can honestly drop the headphone/mic port at this point.

No Michael Bay? I thought that was the obvious one

Sometimes its for PR.... they get just enough exposure that they get hired onto other projects, etc.

I think you are being a bit of a apologist here... the game looks extremely bland with or without the metroid tie-in.

2:20 ... the exact moment my testicles shrunk inside out.

LOL if you think they care

1" sensor is meh.. someone needs to beat or match the LX100

Its a terrible idea like the Google Modular phone... it requires the use of expensive and proprietary addons which will be worthless in a year when the G6 comes out... etc...