
I honestly dont think he was 100% there... i feel that most QBs would have concussed out after being manhandled by Miller and Ware all day and Cam being 6'5" 250lbs allowed him to “play” out the game

His spidey sense told him he was about to be sandwiched by Miller and Ware for the 5th time that day... and told him NO

Youre looking at it from a simplistic point of view... NK is like the class clown who takes the attention away from the bully who’s taking kids lunch money in the back of the room.

Because San Francisco practically begged for the honor of hosting SB50 and promised to cover costs... not really NFL’s fault

As long as everyone and their mom wants to live in SF and continues to overpay for everything, nothing will change.

Well you have a bunch of drunk people being corralled by underpaid wannabe bouncers... what did they think was gonna happen.

I think the frame materials (high strength aluminum and carbon fiber) would act as shield to x-ray.. also it would be extremely costly to ship and setup an x-ray machine large enough to scan an entire bike frame at each race. It would make more sense to use some sort of electromagnetic wave detector and see if there

I have a pretty beefy PC but I prefer to play most games on my PS4 just because of how dead simple it is to jump in and play especially for 3rd person action type games... however if the game has decent mod support, its PC all the way

Thats kind of how new tech works....

You would need to factor in conversion loss (which I would estimate to be around 15% going both ways.. ie you lose 15% charing the thing going from AC-DC and then you lose 15% again going from DC-AC

Or this

In our capitalistic society, price is usually determined by market demand... seeing how fast the 1st gen model sold out, I would say the price is too cheap.

FFTA is nowhere near the greatness of FFT... its a fun little game but its missing almost everything that made FFT great

Its not mutually exclusive... lots of people have both a gaming laptop and desktop. Yes, its a waste of money but so is pretty much every other hobby out there.

How about the idiots in LA move out of the desert sitting on a major fault...

Everyones a critic.... its the easiest job in the world (just look at yelp)

Okay that Gif...

Man now I want a a legit Total War Fallout game...

Sounds like par for the course for Nintendo