
$14? wow at least controllers were affordable back then

play normal non-gimmicky games well?

All the eggs in one basket... seems we are headed that way with all our industries.

Riva... they had the awesome TNT chip which eventually became Geforce after nVidia bought them out

I miss the 90’s and early 2000 when we had more than 2 choices for a GPU brand

“ This is it. The Android phone for everyone.“

This is nVidia right now...

Fidelio X1/X2?

Also when you run out of food out in the wild, you have instant prosciutto!

the secret isnt in the engine.. its a few lines of code in the main ECU... thats like saying why doesnt microsoft decompile iOS and see what apples secret is

No, I’ve been playing Destiny and Rocket League via remote play on my Vita while at the airport and travelling (my PS4 is sitting at home and I use either local WiFi or my cellphones hotspot feature). There is some slight lag but its been completely playable for me even with online matches and Crucible.

Wont this just increase the amount of congestion on the streets now that you have to account for an additional 10,000 people and cars that need space?

I could care less which keyboard you pick but thanks for the entertaining article.

From streaming on youtube alone I would est about 2 million anually.. but im sure this guy has an agent and marketing guy who helps with other income such as endorsements and merchandise which can easily dwarf the 2 million from streaming

Im fairly certain I could have easily solved this back when I was in AP Physics High School... that was over 10 years ago and the most advanced math I have done since then is to add up numbers in my tax return... so now I have no clue

Its a solid fun game with great graphics and production value (hence the reason for the huge userbase)... I like my sims (GT and Forza), I like my fantasy racers (Sonic and MarioKart), and I also like my arcadey racers (DriveClub and PGR)... not all games need to fit some sort of mold.

Is it coincidence that Damon played almost the same role in Interstellar?

Why would you base your friendship on whether someone likes hentai?

Watvh our future exploreres drink Martian water and then turn into mutant alien hybrids, no thanks!

“as if anyone would dish out an extra $250 to play Destiny on the toilet.”