
a similar sword was featured in Rurouni Kenshin.... i thought a site like Kotaku would catch that

wait till they do twitch plays games with tons of QTEs!

i think the white destiny bundle for $350 during BF was the better deal... the white ps4 is still going for $450+ on ebay

i think the white destiny bundle for $350 during BF was the better deal... the white ps4 is still going for $450+ on

Now playing

crazy how similar that song is to this song from Nier

thats not how reality will be if AI does hit singularity... in reality the AI will snipe you from across the map upon spawn every time...

Im korean and i agree kimchi smells... so does indian curry, gruyere cheese and lots of other delicious food... after eating kimchi i even warn my cowrokers that my cube will be stinky!

Thats actually one of the main reasons im hyped about it now... he did the character designs now get out of the way and let someone who can actually finish developing a full game have the reigns

im hyped but i know better... this will be delayed past 2 years

no all you gotta do is "nomurize" him by growing out his hair, ripping off his sleeves, and adding buckles and piercings... then it would fit with dissidia

i dont think it would make as much money to use more obscure characters.. lightning waifu == $$$

i think a 3vs1 scenario is game over regardless

what i learned from this article:

umm what? higher ppi is ALWAYS better when it comes to image quality

because nintendo

theres no correlation between played hours and amount of content... people spend hundreds of hours playing penny slots in vegas, doesnt mean that there is any valuable content... it just means that there is a good carrot stick mechanism in play for people who have addictive personalities

you described every experience i have ever had with an MMORPG or mobile micro-transaction game

i think you described EVERY horror game ever made

wouldnt it save more weight to engrave the labels on the switches instead of using the plastic adhesive ones?

yep... giving a large sum of cash to anyone who isnt already rich is pretty much screwing them over... not just the added temptations but all the leachers who come out of the woodwork

i think they know exactly what they are doing... whatever it takes to get rich