
*gonna try this once more since my image didn't post*

Their are enough comments here regarding performance and specs that I am pretty sure you have enough to go on...make it fun and stay true to the heritage. That applies equally to the could be the a blast to drive but if the looks are off I'm not interested. It's a package deal.

A rental.

Haha...kills yankees. Come to NY in August some time Dixie.

As with many things this came down to money and prestige. Four shuttles (three of which went to space) and numerous suitors. The Smithsonian and Kennedy were shoe-ins from the get go. That left one and LA put in a big bid and had political backers and the museum already has Mercury, Gemini and Apollo crafts. It's a

Meanwhile in Russia

Your last paragraph sums up your "dilemma" nicely. I think a lot of people feel the way you do...scared of things they don't understand, scared to explore them, scared to try to understand them.

It's on my bucket list too, but I suppose I can just play Skyrim instead.

I am surprised that they beat BofA whom I voted for, Consumerist pointed out 3 of 4 of the companies he mentioned are past winners of the Golden Poo.


I understand that Mr. Denton is on a kick about raising the bar of the comments on his sites and I sort of understand the logic behind this and previous changes, but...

Because you can have sex in a car. All that stuff about the joy of driving, getting away...that's just gravy.

I don't have a facebook, twitter or google account, nor do I want one.

If this does well, Buy Hasbro stock. They have a big stockpile of properties waiting for the movie treatment.

Colani Horch...because hood ornament.

sweet...that's pretty much I what I had hoped the CHiP's movie was going to be like, but with motorcycles.

I will win this and then donate it to Planned Parenthood so those abortion docs can get to the clinic in a hurry.

Funny you should ask...

"And, you know, they work better than planes from when Elvis was 20."

Sad day indeed. I learned to drive on a 900 Turbo.