
These hoonigans were clearly idiots, no doubt about that. However, being caught in the act still does not warrant skipping over the judicial process. Keep in mind I am arguing this from the viewpoint of an American and I don't know what the official punishment for hooning is in Australia. Is it something like loss of

I have no problem with taking action against an imminent threat. Someone breaks into your home by all means defend yourself. But the issue here is that this was clearly retaliatory. It is not for the cops nor you or me to mete out punishment. That is one of the pillars of our justice system and the basis for the hit

oh good grief...where to begin?

whoever built that road is a true jalop

You didn't know Lada made cameras too?

ROFL...thanks for the laugh.


Someone should tell Activision that they are also in the adult entertainment bizness


"...lures you into foolish behavior"

I was on the right trip, but I made it in the wrong car...

lame...remake/reboot/rehash The Final Countdown.

I would've gone with "O.R.B.S. cabinet, which stood for Orb for Really Boosting Seizures"

this is car related how?

This is why I have my cat accept all my EULA's.

I here ya, they would totally be zombies right now.

Man, talk about a love/hate reaction. This looks like a fun game. I know Starbreeze will turn out a solid product, but is it Syndicate?

Dear Len Wiseman,

I think I am offended by that commercial.

Dietrich strikes that guy is a terrible driver.