
BP = Bad Photoshopers.

I don't get it. What is the point of drifting? Is it faster? Why is it so popular? It's just spectacle right?

jeez, slow news day.

It's just a phone...

"The song's interactive video lets you add your own gripes via Twitter."

first off...waiting in line for a phone is just ridiculous. imo.

"And it's even more painful to watch."

@Grimueax: ahhh... how wonderful.

You know how over at Giz they have that filter where you can remove all mention of Apple?

@b4ui8fastfood: absolutely! what kind of asshat goes to the trouble of building a buggy with a hayabusa and this drowns out the wonderful noise with music?

i hope these are the droids i'm looking for.

my first question...what's the warranty?

@Kraakmo: absolutely not true in this case.

whipped this for a thread on this topic at another site only to discover the don't support uploads. Lucky you Giz!


Oh good...a reason to keep troops in country.