
@MariJade: ...and they don't give ipad users a bad name? just stoners?

if he wants to help then he should make a documentary about the oil industry or energy policy or utopia or hydraulic fracturing etc... but in no way should he help clean up this mess.

oh, and it had the best tag line ever...

dude, stand up for what you believe...P2 was awesome (so was robocop2)

@K5ING: ugh, totally missed it. is that it? just a cameo? I like Burn Notice for his taste in cars.

where's the car?

@Kulprit442: he did stop...just after over-correcting and hitting the median

scram jets!

@smokyburnout: because that car will need to be completely disassembled before it's next race.

I wish I could find a copy of this old cartoon i used to have on my fridge. It was a picture of Bill Gates trying to pick up a woman in a bar...he walks up and says "Hey babe, they call me Mr. Microsoft."

if HL2 was an 80's movie, HL3 would still not be out