
drunk on oil they are

@garandpa: i think it's a superiority complex not the other way round. they think 'cause they spent an extra 10k on a car capable of 50mpg that it justifies flooring it at the green light which just winds up using more go go juice. they could have saved the money and bought a cvcc and done less damage to mother

@Reflexx: here soon as speedvision (aka NASCAR TV) stopped showing the WRC I stopped watching speedvision

haha, I worked on that game!

chevy aveo...unsafe at any speed...even zero

"What does such a decision say about the attitude of Brink's developers, and the studio itself?"

@Zunnoab: That's the beauty of the internets...I don't have to to run my mouth off. I didn't even play the game. Hahahahahahahahahaha.

Why did the game fail? Because it was dull and boring to play.

@battra92: T2 was a great game. That and Funhouse...good times.

@LucasReis: actually, they are huge in China ATM. Big ones too.

man, i'd love to see an jalop version of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen starring Steve McQueen, Miles Davis and let's see, who else?

@DaemonGildas: Am I the only person who actually found *some* enjoyment in the new movies?

@NinjaMarion et al: if you or he or anybody does or doesn't want an ipad then that is great. But the topic at hand is his justification for the purchase which implies that he was not sure he needed or wanted an ipad but felt that being able to read digital comics on it was worth the 500 bones. Personally I think that

You spent $500 to read digital comic books when you could have supported your local comic book shop.

@thisISaRant...: well, that's what he gets for not driving an aston.

they should hire these two to park cars at the auction...

@Chris Morrison: or, i can actually leave my house meet a few friends, have a beer and play the game made by the original team on a dedicated cabinet with a throttle.