John V. Knowles

So after this migration, how are we supposed to find our favorite show reviews easily? I was used to going to AVClub and either 1) seeing Thrones in the headliner images or 2) going to a bookmarked ‘Experts’ or ‘Newbies’ page and seeing ALL the episodes in a list. Are those pages gone now? What if I want to read a

What? EVERYBODY knows it was on Pico.

Did Cameron really "abandon" this franchise? He didn't have the rights to it — that was Carolco and Gale Ann Hurd; when Carolco went bankrupt the assets were liquidated including half the rights which were snatched up again by the company founders who bought out Hurd. Cameron made overtures of doing a T3 but by the

I worked at a Musicland store before they were all changed to Sam Goodys; we had to wear aprons and shirts with ties, so that was definitely a thing (and probably what they were mocking in the movie). I never learned why they felt the public would trust us more if we dressed like old timey drugstore shopkeeps rather

I blame all the people who order 50 tons of cat litter and get free Prime shipping.

I disagree with the entire premise of this article. I find "House of Cards" to be a satisfying and FUN show to watch, and his performance is anything but dead-eyed and hollow. It's measured and understated, which fits a character who tricks everyone around him by hiding his real power behind a mask of normalcy. And

Non-stop 2: Ain't no stopping us now.


Agreed. And yes, I half-expected them to take off on their date at the very end.

No, but there's a big misdirect at one point, where Neeson thinks it's her. Frankly, so did we.

Bitches leave.