Silence 10/10
Silence 10/10
The ultimate dick move would be to play “DICKMOVE” and see if they challenge the word.
Checked the full list to make sure my company wasn't on there. Since it's not, I can only assume the list can be trusted.
Not having a separate retirement fund by the time you are 40 IS NOT UNUSUAL.
Manufacturers have gotten wise to Black Friday shoppers who just want something because it looks ludicrously cheaper than it should be. Check the model numbers people, then look up the specs. Then you can tell that they are selling you an inferior product for the cheaper price, all while making the same amount of…
Manufacturers have gotten wise to Black Friday shoppers who just want something because it looks ludicrously cheaper…
Ah, Archon. My favorite Commodore 64 game of all time, and the game (I cringe now) that made me think "This new game company Electronic Arts is AWESOME!"
Now that's a good idea. Would be simple to do, too. You can only take the concept so far, visually.
Tie Fighter has an EXCELLENT MIDI soundtrack that is filled with completely original scores that change based on what is happening in the game. To this day I can still hum the 'Empire is kicking ass and about to win this battle' theme in my head.
You thought "@amandabynes: My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me" was a coherent tweet?
I think it looks a lot more like this person...
If anything THIS is Lindsey Lohan...
I just wish Don Cheadle had been cast for the first Iron Man movie. I just saw it again the other night, and watching Terrance Howard was so awkward.
He didn't turn it down.
Wait, what did he say? Why would anyone in any public environment talk about wiping butts?
This guy's writing is brilliant. A++. Would listen to the dull voice drone on and on again.
It would be cool if Rockstar added more non-violent activities to Online like taxi, pizza delivery, EMT for the actual in-game deaths and stuff like that. It would be interesting to have a game world where multiple different types of activities were happening and could intersect.
It seems like there were more options for peaceful/helpful ways of playing in earlier GTA games. IIRC, It used to be possible to go around in a fire truck putting out fires, driving taxis, and picking up people in ambulances.
I hope it has glitches similar to this classic scene
High Line park
It sounds like they are massively in denial considering they are vocally opposed to extending her conservatorship in California.