John Verco

I had no idea that this was such an awesome fighting game. I think I want to buy a Wii U now.

She's so hot. I wish I was Elmo in that video.

This is one movie that I could not get into when it first came out, but after repeat viewings I learned to love this movie, the same way I did with Spaceballs.

I know I am going to sound old and out of touch here, but can someone explain to me the humor behind the sentence algorithm:

This was a big game in 1983. It was a must have if you owned a PC. (Most people didn't own a PC in 1983.)

The guy trying the simulation looks visibly shaken. It must have felt like the real thing.

No. You are an awesome person.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is so underrated.

He must not want to stay in business.

They lost me when they killed Tuvix. That was just wrong.

I tried this with Grand Theft Auto 2 for Dreamcast. After enough murder in the game it seems like the game completely crashes. First you have like six or seven squad cars chasing you frantically, sometimes driving directly into you, and then the game just freezes.

But I enjoyed this movie! WTF?

That's a perfect sculpture of RoboCop. I wish he could make a life size version of it and have it put in Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum.

eBooks allow me to read when I want to, wherever I want to and in privacy. Paper books will never allow me to do this.

I was a little skeptical about the game control scheme, but after seeing the incredible animations I think this game will be an instant classic.

Nice idea but I give the service a year to live the most. Once Google unveils Music Key they will crack down on third-party access to music videos on YouTube.

See the movie "Return To Paradise."

Ironically with two real superpowers rattling sabers during The Cold War, we were so much safer back then. We knew that with all of the amassing of weapons of mass destruction both sides were way too smart and competent to start a nuclear war.

I rule Kevin Ward's death a suicide.