
We can all hate twilight together. even those weird SGU people...


It was so boring...stand here and shoot these guys. Dead? Thats okay try again. Didnt do any of the objectives? Oh well you win anyway.

But still allows you to see your phones screen and interact with it nicely.

if you are jail broken you can install miniVmac emulator and boot up to OS8 and a few below like 6 & 7

android screencast lets you literally control your phone from your computer:

In theory you could actually play From Dust with this. They just have to change it to accept terrain from the sandbox as a level.

"I cant find that last damn ration pack. The box said it had enough to build a fence."

Adulterers will have them? is the home of cyanogenmod, a community built version of android based on the sources released by google. OEMS can still do whatever they want, but the community can as well.

I just got flash running on my android phone and love it. Ive never understood why it was so hated.

This is an amazing video and am really glad giz showed it. So what if its a tech blog? Ever have a teacher go off on a random but awesome tangent that has nothing to do with the class but is still cool to hear about?

You are all charging wrong! It must be facing cupertino while in a bowing position (25 degree angle) for it to charge properly.

Spirituality has a place in the brain just like everything else. Its just a set of chemicals and neurons firing in certain places and can be reproduced as well (theoretically)

Yes but osx has a text to speech function, you highlight something and you can make it say it

Wonderful. Cell phones are about to be as fast as my laptop. Perfect excuse to get a new one if ive ever heard one.

I dont drive so thats one less worry for me

Ill have to test it then, but it just feels weird talking to my phone.

1. Deploy large, solar powered ones to collect space junk until full.

How many people talk to there phones to get it to do something?