
Nike-bot get back in your cage.

I was going to say gps

Or get the right type of radiation to make super babies...


Just end everything you say with a pause followed by "Ladies", with or without a question mark.

Houses dont regrow as easily

I wish i was around when a 50mhz computer was fast. How much did it cost?

Ah the old days. What type of programs could it run? Ive always wondered about what people were able to do with old computers like that.

WOW you beat me by 63mb

ITS ONLY $60!?!? I bought 6gb when the least expensive i could find was pqi for $80 -_-

Wow you actually ran 3.1? I have just for fun, its a cute little OS.

I thought so too. I wanted to have an old ass computer contest. 4gb? I had a 1gb drive with slimmed down XP (only took up 900mb) All my data was on a flashdrive.

Never had a gameboy but my sega had 136k of ram. How was the 128kb computer? I cant imagine what you did with it.

0? What kind of computer had 0 ram?

Duel floppy drives and are those tape drives? Wow

My first desktop in 05 had 64mb of ram and ran Windows XP. Whats the least amount of ram anyone here has ever used?

It would make for some very interesting articles

Every year before the new iPhone comes out Giz should send all the writers to every bar in town just in case.

Ah I wont give anything away. As minibeardeath says it gets confusing but if you miss anything its worth a second watch

Wait Harper doesnt die...DOES HE?