
Depends on the length of the contract then.

Oh god hook it up to a hooka. Amazing.

True. Im going to try refilling mine even though they are not sold as refillable. It has a tube of cotton inside and i believe thats where the nicotine goes. Well as long as it lasts awhile (a year or so) it wont be an issue. I can probably nab one off ebay cheap.

Has anyone ever heard this sung in a non-mocking tone? Is it even possible to sing it seriously?

On Tacecigs they just have a small number on the cartridge telling you the dosage in mg. I could see them banning all of them from people under 18 because they would have to inspect the cartridge to check the nicotine content and even then you can get the liquid nicotine and re-fill a 0mg one with whatever you want.

This is true. We blow him up and one more enemy gone.

Also the more we seek retribution the fewer enemies we have.

I recommend the Tececig brand myself. The "buzz kit" as they call it was only $40 and comes with 2 cartridges, usb charger, and battery with a lifelong warranty. The replacement cartridges are more expensive though.

I know you have to 18 for nicotine ones, i assume that since the non-nicotine are interchangeable with the nicotine ones you have to be 18 for either or.


"...another Jailbreak app, will land you on a webpage prompting you to sign up for the official $20/month tethering package."

Probably the worst way to be found dead.

oh god, you ruined most of the red food group for me.

I like it better because I dont need it to do all of that. iTunes is clearly better if you have more media and things to keep track of.

Drag and drop works faster without having to load a program, wait for it to make backup, then verify that my phone is indeed my phone. I dont use ratings or playcounts so i actually have no idea if they go with but i doubt it.

Thats what itunes does when you sync.

I use Music beta for all my musical need.

I admit i am a very large fandroid. (thanks for the new word =D)

ctrl + a and you can copy everything. But as a person with 1,000 or so songs and no playlists, podcasts, or videos i can see how a someone would want a way to manage all that in one place. Im sure you can do it all on android but it might take a few more programs. I can use my Android phone to control my music library

And if you root you can have a CHOICE between operating systems.