
Android music transferring: Plug in my phone, copy my music, paste it to my memory card under "Music".

Hasnt it always been legal to make a backup copy for you own use?

I used 18gb and 0 minutes last month. Im pretty proud of that.

They might do it slowly if they were 100% certain of victory. An easy mistake to make if they have never heard of Liam Neeson.

Id buy it.

My point was hes not dead (and about to make millions on a new show). Winning is winning.

Well charlie sheen is doing a little better than her...

This is true.

Why does it even have to move? We got the shuttle as a backup ride.

No way me too! On the little green spot.

It would be worth checking out, but who knows how long it could take to reconstruct. Months? Years?

Yet content is still correct.

The idea that those skills are only contained in the left half of the brain is mostly bs.

They turned out fine? Thats a bit of a stretch but yes eventually they will recover

Yet it also sounds adorable since its Pixar. I need to watch the shorts

I imagine they had to do even larger scale cleanups than just cows. Bombs being bigger and all.

Its a pixar movie ive never heard of or seen? What the hell! How did i miss it.

You have inspired me to google that

I was always a Brontosaurus fan. If you google the word Brontosaurus, the first result is Apatosaurus.

Gps HUD with real-time information.