
Or you can spend $350,000 on an animatronic dinosaur that actually existed...

They do mind if you blow them up before they can blow up whatever they wanted to blow up in the first place.

They do mind if you blow them up before they can blow up whatever they wanted to blow up in the first place.

Thanks for a great article and an even better panoramic desktop background.

Ill send some invites to people, just give me an address to send it to. I recommend making a different address for temporary use.

Make a disposable email address and ill send you an invite

Hmm. With a few more changes you get Captain America.

It just looks like a weird looking face. Ive never understood why people find them (alien faces or androids) scary or spooky.

"... but they eat like mad and shit like it was their only purpose in life."

I never use chat anyway. Its annoying to me because now EVERY status i see is something along the lines of "this new chat bar sucks" or "OMG facebook sucks now"

If its anything like Stargate we need to make that happen NOW

Thats awesome. I had no idea that even existed

Really? That seems fishy...

Really? i have some work to do then. I asked a friend awhile ago if it was possible and he said i was crazy

I notice it has 3 motherboards, are they linked together somehow? I thought that wasnt possible.

I do to. To live on a new world, one only few have ever been to and none have ever lived on. Its depressing as hell that we have stopped so short of the stars.

Your answer seems likely. I dont have much experience with long exposure or tracer rounds. Wish we could know fore sure though.

Possible. They seem to be more wavy after they curve though and i dont think a bullet would act like that. "Ricochets will almost always continue on a somewhat diagonal trajectory to their original trajectory"

Quick question: Why are some of the lines curved? Some are almost 45 degree angles.