
First person to explain to me what in the ever-loving hell "Pop of culture" means gets a prize.

Um, am I the only one who read this and is thinking that maybe this guy/gal is sincere in his/her letter and has just got the wrong idea? I mean... It happens.

Mmm. Fair.

Why so much baby's breath?

Not to threadjack, but does this apply to gay guys as well? Cuz I'll tell youze—I'm pretty damn Ok with myself. I'm decent looking, funny, smart, interesting ... But I haven't been past a second date in nigh on a decade. And I'm not even picky! I'm basically looking for intact limbs, as Lindy put it, and I'd like you

I think you make a good point here—this kind of thinking can easily distract one from the REAL problem. I know it did for me. For years my whole issue was, I'll never find a boyfriend because I'm overweight. Then I said, Fuck that! He'll love me for who I am or he won't love me at all! Fuck yeah! And I bet now that

With all due respect to your medical condition, it's completely irrelevant to this conversation. Not being able to work because of a disability is entirely different from being at the mercy of economic factors.

"I didn't find Hannah bratty or ungrateful. In this economy, it's a pretty big blow to have the rug swept out from under you like that."

I don't know the numbers either, but I do know that student loan debt is supposedly one of the the next two looming economic bubbles (the other being the tech bubble we're currently in) since, just like with subprime mortgages, there's enough student loan debt that financial firms are packaging it into investments

"As for the "good times" of your parents, doesn't anyone remember the recession of the 1980s? Thatcherism? The death of American industry, the Rust Belt, deregulation, the bank crisis, the loss of the family farm?"

I think you make a good point here, and it's one I've been making myself—and the reason I was able to mostly enjoy the show. Mostly.

Good on you. In discussing this show with another member of your age cohort on one of the Gawker threads (where I was a starred commenter until, apparently, 30 seconds ago, hmph), my suggestion of getting a job waiting tables and waiting out the storm—which is what I and many my age were forced to do after we

I recently discovered that this is apparently my favorite movie of all time. It went like this:

No shit? I had no idea! Now it TOTALLY makes sense. I don't know how I've gotten through watching it three times without ever noticing Apatow produced. And I also didn't consider the looooong history of Kasdan/Apatow collaboration. So, basically this movie is about "Freaks and Geeks" and "Undeclared." You have totally

Those of you who love this kind of industry skewering—for an equivalent evisceration of television, watch "The TV Set." Tiny movie with Duchovny and Sigourney Weaver satirizing the creation of a television show from start to finish. Brilliantly hilarious, and if more people would have seen it, Weaver would have gotten

Also, the LAT headline for this pisses me the fuck off. "Lewd acts"? A "lewd act" is a dude rubbing his boner on the subway. A "lewd act" is some creeper making some gross comment to a woman as she walks down the street. This is fucking abominable, irredeemable, life-ruining abuse. Give me a fucking break, do ANY

This is contributing nothing to the conversation but I just need to say that I've never been so horrified in my life. I want to vomit, then cry, then make sure something truly horrible happens to this man — something equally unspeakable, if not worse — and I don't care what that says about me. Moral high ground my ass.

I have never actually listened to this song in its entirety until tonight and I am utterly mystified. Aside from being just a terrible idea, conceptually, it is just an astonishingly bizarre piece of songcraft. Like, why is the chorus so long? It is the longest chorus ever! Why?! What the fuck?! Edit this shit!

@ThatsMariaToYou Ah, I stand corrected. TBT, my eyes are bad and I thought that was Bing Crosby. At any rate, "Wonderful Christmastime" FTW!

The fact that Paul McCartney's "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime" is not included in these brackets renders this entire endeavor moot. Pack it in, Jezzies.