John Teti

Ha, not likely!

Thank you!

That is so nice! Thank you for watching. Next week's episode will be a little late because I'm out of town on Tuesday, alas.

By the same token, it is weird to watch him in those commercials (and thanks for the tip on that front) after seeing him on Better Call Saul for so long!

If you don't like the GJI posts—which is fine with me, I don't expect everyone to like everything!—I recommend that you simply skip over them. Many people do enjoy them. People come to the site for different reasons. Some folks are looking for something to kill a few minutes—they flock to the GJI posts. Some people

Wow that's great Squanchy!!

It's just a Disqus feature we rarely use, because it's mostly useless.

I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind this, but it wouldn't be fair to Amelie to keep calling it Tolerability Index without her, and it would be confusing to most readers, who know TI as a feature and not as a discussion thread.

First and foremost: Three cheers for the highly tolerable Amelie Gillette, who presided over this A.V. Club institution with such cutting wit over the years. We wish her all the best!

That's okay

I'm pretty sure you got cut from the final edit MFND, because I definitely remember Gus and me figuring out how to pronounce MothaF_NDixon this week or last

Okay, that's very decent of you.

You're still a super-smart commenter even if you're not in the Polite Fight mix, P13. And if things go as planned, we'll soon be engaging with + featuring the brilliance of our community in a number of other ways.

Is this true?

More like an editing class

Yeah you're suddenly hip again! Convenient!

Great insights LR!


The short answer is "probably," but not for lack of trying on our end—I'll explain more tomorrow during the official Q&A session.