John Teti

Great insights, bder.

Me too!!

Wow, I love that. My sentiments exactly. Thanks for sharing!

Oh man. Seconded

Block & Tackle only covered the playoffs in its first year, and people were fine with it. They came in and talked about football and had fun. I just don't see your "whole-hog coverage or nothing" perspective operating to any meaningful end. Perhaps I am misinterpreting you; I think we just disagree. That's okay.

Due to popular demand, we just taped a Fargo wrap-up Polite Fight yesterday! Gus is editing it as we speak.

I don't buy, or even understand, the notion that for political media commentary to be worthwhile, we have to cover all of it, all the time. The NFL column is actually an illuminating example—it stops during the offseason, even though there is still plenty of football news to talk about. Most sports sites keep covering

Thank you for taking the time to write this thoughtful critique. This is the kind of quality commentary I was talking about. I may not agree with all of it, but I certainly take it to heart, and I know Alex will too as we continue to shape this new tendril of coverage.

Good point—or good tip, as the case may be

Hahaha, aww. I just want to be sure you know that I take your comments to heart and have a lot of respect for you—and for everyone else who lays their passion for The A.V. Club on the line. Even when people don't agree with some new venture on the site, large or small, I am consistently moved by readers' investment in

Aw, thanks! Everything is going great, man. The baby is magical, I have a job I love, I'm surrounded by friends. I just feel like a lucky dude.

Good point, GL. We will be keeping an especially close eye on these threads.

Nah, even friends get cross with each other sometimes—if you don't, that's a boring friendship!

I'm not going to let the existence of internet assholes define the scope of our coverage. That is exactly what the internet assholes want. We didn't stop covering video games in a socially conscious manner when GamerGate happened, for instance.

I think your reading of the piece is reductive, but like I told Roswulf, you are entitled to your opinion. I was interested to read Alex's piece and to consider his notion that the establishment/anti-establishment rifts in the political parties are mirrored by a similar tension in the media—a tension between the

This is the website with a commenter who is a pikachu whose head is a penis and who often has insightful and funny things to say. This is why I love The A.V. Club.

No, we're going to do this, and I'm excited about it. This is not horserace journalism or partisan advocacy, and I will respectfully disagree that this is "third rate political journalism," but you're entitled to your opinion. This is media analysis of a major cultural phenomenon. Frankly, I think it is an omission

Haha, Super Bowl XLX is brilliant

Of course it was. I mean, look at the man.

That was in college, but yes, it happened to Texas and could just as easily happen in the NFL: