John Teti

I only have one closet

No Murder Reports this year, Space Pope, but thank you for mentioning them. I just figured that the point had been made by now, so I quit before the joke was driven into the ground (maybe too late).

Oh my god!

Sharp eye, Dikachu, thank you! This has been fixed.

Oops! I should have caught that while editing. Thanks for the heads up!

I don't think the conclusion says what you say it says.

Oh, they are so very pretty. If I had been at the party, I like to think that I would have had better dance moves than Brady. I like to think that.

The only conspiracy is my abiding love for ICR and all the other regular readers, and also the Freemason business I'm not supposed to discu

We published this article because we were excited about the game and thought that readers like you would be, as well. The fact that Sam did not go into detail about the specific episodes that gave rise to the sequel's storyline was not a subtextual fuck-you to South Park fans. Many games were announced/trailered

Yeah, I've seen that argument a lot, but it's awfully pat—it's just a formal observation devoid of narrative justification. It's not that I don't entertain the possibility, but what the hell reason is there for Stannis to be alive at this point? His army is gone, his family is dead, his magic lady has abandoned him.

There was some debate about that during the taping, but I chose to stick with the interpretation that he was dead. Point: We don't see the killing blow. Counterpoint: Brienne Of Tarth doesn't tend to miss. Counter-counterpoint: Maybe she was just aiming for the tree to get at some of its delicious sap. Give up your

Sorry about this. The front-page thumbnail has been changed (should show up in a few minutes once the cache clears), and the still on the video will be changed shortly as well.

I still love you Oliviatremor

Oh please. Who doesn't have a face merkin around the house already?

Thanks, EMG! I fixed the date fuckup.

Good analysis, LTL1TP. I'm also dubious of the Connect thing. But surely it will at least fare better than Ping, Apple's last attempt at music-based social networking. Poor, unwanted Ping.

Sorry, my friend. It's tricky to write pithy headlines for these when we talk about so many different topics. I hope you still enjoyed the show!


Good question — it's just Jim Perry so far.

Must have been hell choosing which door to use.