Yes! Me too.
Yes! Me too.
Not only is this a nice, crisp explanation, it has also made me feel a little foolish for wondering aloud why dead people can't swim. They can walk and stab, which is pretty impressive for dead folks — will I never be satisfied?? (I will not.)
As seen on Shark Tank
That's right! They won't not dis-suspect a thing!
There was a tweet at one point from an employee at a nursing home full of people who sounded in awe of the fact that their words could appear on the air. I don't think the elderly are that offended by a little crawl at the bottom of the screen. It was easy to ignore if you didn't care about it—I forgot it was there…
It's not misguided at all. I loved seeing people comment on the games and the contestants in a similar way that I love seeing people come to The A.V. Club and talk about random stuff they noticed on TV shows. I mean, everything in your comment applies just as well to AVC comment threads, but we all seem to get…
Oh man, this really cracked me up at the end of a long night, thank you.
Ha, well, I had to wipe away the tears to write this darn thing, so we're even!
He tells her, "I'm in Kansas right now."
Thanks for this. Don tells Sally he's in Kansas on the phone, so I got the two states confused in my notes.
Money can be exchanged for goods and services!
I think that is a perfectly nice, non-stalkery thing to say, and I agree!
Good work odduck!
I thought the first one with the Star Destroyer bridge was funny, but then they tried to make it a thing…
Ha, fair enough. I'm more of a Scenes From A Hat guy myself!
That's all well and good, but I am alone in deciding what grade to slap at the top of the page, and once I decide, I move on with my life.
Yeah, right? I think we all know this is top-tier show by now. I really don't think much about how "good" or "bad" an episode is when I'm working on a review; I'm more focused on what (and how) it means.
Yes, it is silly and arbitrary, so I give the grades vanishingly little thought. All of my energy goes into the written review. I'd rather not give a grade at all, but I have to. For me, Mad Men is an experience that transcends silly grades.
Haha yeah…
Your comment has made me love you more! Thanks for reading, SSM!