John Teti

That doesn't belabor the point at all, Jordan, it provides a smart insight. I like the way you look at it.

Ah, I get where you're coming from now, Jordan. No, I just mention that she bears a resemblance in Don's universe because he slides her so readily into the Megan slot in his life as he continues trying out different ideas of Diana in this episode. Do you have to squint to see the resemblance? Definitely. Don is

Agreed, odduck, and so is 1. The whole comment is just some dang fine commenting. Thank you for sharing your insights, TheBrett.

I ended up taking out that stray observation in a later revision, but I appreciate the correction nonetheless—good catch and thanks!


Already fixed, should show up momentarily. Thank you!

Hahahaha — we have a winner!

Stephen Langton.

You're so sweet, happycookieday! I will. Thank you for reading!

Yes! That's a deep cut, EOTW, I love it. PYL also had the "home robot," boasting the finest in 1985 cybernetics technology.

Hey everybody, there's actually not a Six Feet Under review today, as an earlier version of this article promised (unbeknown to me until just now). I'm going to finish out season four this month, but there wasn't going to be a review this week. Apologies for the miscommunication.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if that's how it's going to go down, reverse Coroner. (Do you bring people back to life?)

Hey Josh how stoned do we look in the still for this video, and which one of us looks more stoned? (You)

I still love you and support you in everything you want to achieve in this life!

That's an appealing and thoughtful take on it, YardSale2. I think you have something there.

I'm open to the interpretation that the waitress reminds Don of Midge, although I also don't see where that leads in terms of meaning. What insights does that reading produce? It seems to be a dead end. I mean, did Don talk to Di all about Rachel and just neglect to add, "By the way, you really remind me of this

But your analysis ignores the allure of the Jewish mythos to Don, which was part of the romance of Rachel for him. You're right, my phrasing would be awkward to the point of nonsense if I were saying that "a non-Jew is simply paying his respects to the bereaved family of a someone he loved." I wouldn't say that,

Great insight, replyingreplyingkinnison, thank you for sharing it!

Sure, there's a chance. We're going to see how it goes!

Read it again. That phrase does not refer to 1970. I discuss the fact that in 1970, Americans didn't know what was to come, and then I go on to discuss what happened in the ensuing decades.