John Teti

Right? He has to take his millions of dollars in INSTALLMENTS, UGH.

Beautifully put, tlachtga.

A beautiful interpretation, scarlaohorror.

They sure do!

Ha, "wearing the ENTIRETY of 1970"—I love it. Exactly right

He says it by way of explaining that he knows what sitting shiva is. Your saying "He brought cake because he knew from having long lived in New York, which has a large Jewish population" is just another way of putting the same thing I did. The "lived in New York" line is his way of telling Barbara, "I'm not Jewish,

Aw. I'm always happy to see you, too, Billy.

Then go with the review. I care about the review 1,000x more than the grade.

Good call, Puke. This is the best analysis I've read by someone named Puke all day.

I like that, Kit.

I didn't say that it subsided in 1970. You put those words in my mouth.

Thanks, J-Doug! Very nice of you to say. I appreciate having you as a reader!

Thanks, Landry! Re: your question — a bunch! We're hoping to do all or most of Game Of Thrones this season, for instance, and we'll check in on Louie…and some others I can't remember right now. We're open to suggestions, too!

No need to apologize, I feel you Joey blowey. And thanks!

I dislike autoplay videos as much as the next guy, but this is a decision made above my pay grade. I did, however, successfully lobby to add a persistent setting so users can turn autoplay off — it's right there on the player.

Good call, Art Deco! Fixed.

Your loss.

This is a show about a dating/sex columnist in one of the most diverse and socially liberal cities on earth.

Also in this season, Carrie dates a bisexual person and CANNOT HANDLE IT. She's insufferable. However that only enhances the hate-watching experience. And in defense of SATC, there are occasionally thoughtful episodes, a couple times a season, and Miranda and Samantha occasionally behave like decent, conscientious

Ha, good point PITFU.