John Teti

If an account hasn't been active for six months, sometimes you can ask Twitter if you can steal it. Usually this is if someone has your actual name, but it can't hurt to ask.

Wait for the sequel.

What the hell. Let us know if we can intervene with your employer on your behalf, RA7XF. I would be happy to write a sternly worded letter asserting that the A.V. Club is not a music site, except for the parts that are, and we'll promise not to let you look at those parts.



The link is perfectly fine, and we write for readers who are sophisticated enough to handle a range of personal perspectives and cultural contexts. There is no breach of professional anything here.

What's the odd part

Fine. Meters per gallon

I love it. And so it has been done.

I get way better MPG than that (masturbation per gallon)

You can, too, EMG. But I'm not going to reveal everything. The secret of offering HBO Now yourself is left as an exercise to the reader.

Sorry about that, ScottyEnn, that's a derp moment on our part for sure. We updated the link; it should show up shortly once the page cache clears. And here it is again for good measure:…

Thanks, Chimpan-A! Chris Gethard takes his turn in the choice-picking hotseat in a few weeks.


I love your avatar, MrCornfed.

That strikes me as a bit strong. How is it useless or a disaster? You can just change the config or turn it off when you play a different game/app.

A fair question, Kongming. I think a lot of players hate them because they have been overused to a stultifying degree by countless games, and they are the most simplistic way to add a cheap sense of "action!" to a game. In the post-God Of War world (the post-Shenmue world, as that was the game that really brought QTEs

That is correct.

Excellent point, and yet another reason quick-time events are terrible.

Yes, great example, DC11. One of the first things I do in a new game is try to figure out where sprint is. It ranges from a face button to a shoulder button to pushing in the damn analog sticks. MAKE UP YOUR MIND.