John Teti

"I'd like to see the writer acknowledge that, for the game, it is very important information being determined and communicated." I think that goes without saying, given that down-and-distance is the foundation of the game, but consider it acknowledged. My point is not that the first-down measurement is

Well, I did explicitly say that the ref holds up the chain to let the coach know what's what.

The point isn't that they're imprecise, but that they're ceremoniously imprecise. They don't put on a little pageant every time an umpire calls a ball or a strike.

There's a clip on the chain (rarely glimpsed on TV) that they always keep aligned with the nearest five-yard line. So they do have a system to ensure that everything's lined up right.

That's good info, lookatthisguy, thank you!

This image just made me laugh out loud at my desk.

Why, you…! [balls fists in impotent rage]

Thank you for the kind words, rct! And for the tip. I'll mention Ravishing Rick in this Friday's corrections section.

Ha, you're right! Beautiful choreography. Michael Bennett is the Bob Fosse of the NFL. (Don't think about that statement too hard)

Badass! I gotta try that.

Pops, this comment cracks me up every week. If the Jets somehow fail to win out and squeak into the playoffs, please don't stop.

You can always email me, Whovian. It's jteti @ this website. I'd be delighted to hear from you.

Nah, just copying the standard golden arches + lowercase Helvetica treatment that "I'm Lovin' It" gets.

Me too. I changed it.

Yes, I would.

Oh, no worries, I'm with you. That was a highly enjoyable football game.

This is now one of my favorite NFL/horse things, too.

I haven't read it (although I've heard of it), but I just bought + downloaded it on your recommendation. Thanks for the heads-up, I'm looking forward to reading it!

No need to apologize, PT! Your arguments for Hanson are both reasonable and poetic. A brick of a man indeed.

Hmm, okay, you've given me some food for thought.