John Teti


Hey, you're right! Looks like the B&T staff get PREMIUM gruel for lunch today.

That sounds about right. What was the deal with the Prater release, anyway?

I meant gams

Good question, Flubba. One way we can tell when you clicked on it and thought it sucked is that nobody will share it—it might get an initial blip of interest that goes away quickly, for instance. I don't mean to claim that we keep close tabs on the performance of every GJI, because we aren't so obsessive about traffic

Hmm, it would be funny! Maybe an Animated GIF Encyclopedia Of Penalty Signals is in order down the line.

I love that you guys know all these. You're my kind of football fans.

Shrewd! Morelli-esque, even…

Ha, there's no "content quota." I wrote this up because I was intrigued by it, and I thought some of you might be interested in it, too. That's how pretty much all GJI posts are created: Someone among the staff or contributors says, "I think this is neat," and then somebody takes a few minutes to write it up, in the

Quite right, David. (It's "Obduction," but easy mistake to make.) Thanks for the note; I corrected the article! (It'll take a few minutes for the change to show up.)

Sweet, thanks for the clip, Knife! Re: coffin corner kicks, Jeff Feagles was one of the last great directional punters in the league. He talks about the decline of the coffin corner punt in this old ESPN article:…

I love you too, St. Bernard! Thank you for your thoughtful comment. It's true that the pink originated elsewhere, but there's a reason that it has been embraced so widely by the NFL and others: because it's simple and requires no meaningful, thoughtful messaging beyond splashing pink across everything. I find it

Ha, you're supposed to play coy like you don't know! Well done.

So right, Whovian. Those were the worst!

You can tell he at least felt pretty boss, which is the most important thing.

The "fetishization of breast cancer"—well put, ZZZZ.

Good point. It barely retains any of its original meaning by now.

I hear you, and I appreciate your interest. Mom On Pop is indeed a podcast, and it is not other things, so if you despise podcasts—a perfectly reasonable preference—then it's not for you. I'm not going to transcribe it because, again, that's not what Mom On Pop is. It's a podcast that's made for an audience of

I do work in Internet media, Denby, so I don't need empathy, I have sympathy. The opening essay is not about rank-and-file people fucking up—in fact, I even mentioned that the guy who wrote the MLB story was doing his job properly. (His writeup is excellent prose, in fact, for a quick-turnaround game recap.) Instead,

That's what makes it cool