Yup, there will be a review today. Just a glitch in the What's On Tonight queue.
Yup, there will be a review today. Just a glitch in the What's On Tonight queue.
It was supposed to be a plus. I don't really pay attention to the grades (mostly because I think they're silly, to put it mildly), so I missed that. Apologies for the error.
In the clip, Shepherd says that she never thought about whether the earth is flat because she was thinking about "how I'm going to feed my child." Because as you know, all round-earth believers allow their kids to go hungry.
I've corrected this; thanks for the heads-up.
We had a deal
Ha, you know, the same thought occurred to me as I was typing this up. I love that you remembered that, too.
This means a whole lot to me, and I'm sure Matt Gerardi, Ryan, Sam, and Matt Kodner appreciate it as well. Thank you for reading!
This really made me laugh. It's pretty much true!
Oops, damn it. The link is now fixed and should show up in a minute or two (once cache clears). Then you can THICKEN TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT, SIR.
I certainly don't know what tub of lube you're referring to—heavens!
Hmm. Well, I bought the All The President's Men Blu-Ray.
The "action" in this episode is a white-knuckle thrill ride compared to the boredom that's still ahead in this storyline. Except for that one scene…
For me, this is actually true! She was a saint.
Thanks for the heads up, Cory! This has been fixed. Apologies for the error.
Alas, the PS4 is king only in sales—Sony is once again denied the crown it truly desires.
The system works!!
Disqus does indeed catch a huge amount of spam that never sees the light of day (except we can see it on the back end, of course). The main trouble we've had of late, actually, is with occasional false positives. Once in a while, Disqus will decide that some innocent commenter is a spammer and just relentlessly beat…
Not needy or demanding at all. I'm grateful that you enjoy it!
It's coming—thank you for asking! This is an unusually busy week in an unusually busy month for me, so I'm behind on…everything. But we've run all the murder numbers, and the reports will start posting by the end of the week.