John Teti

They were hallucinating the future?

The framed portraits depict real-world Onion Inc. owner David Schafer and fictional publisher emeritus T. Herman Zweibel.

Certainly not.


Man, what a bummer that was, wasn't it? But the cards were quite beautiful. I have to say I had a lot of fun just collecting them. I also loved the Skybox ST:TNG trading cards.

That's what you get for being so stubborn about e-milk pricing

Oh! No, wait, uh…

Well put, fritzoid.

Great points, PeamealBacon. I think part of the fascination with watching Mad Men is that it's hard to decide when/whether to judge Don for his actions. How much is he a product of his times, and how much is he just personally unfair and unkind to those around him? And is being a product of your time an excuse? The

An excellent point. And judging from the satisfied expression on the good king's face, that headless stone statue has an excellent point, too.

Yeah, I had a similar thought. I hope what we're seeing here is the influence of Blood Dragon.

Thanks, Ken! This has been corrected, and the proper link should show up shortly.

I think I've spent more time sifting through the details of Disqus moderation than most people, and yet I still don't understand why this happens. The Disqus-bot is so capricious. It's frustrating.

Hey, Disqus didn't mark your comment as spam! Great success.

Thanks, Bipolar Man! The article has been corrected, and apologies for the error.

Mine too!

I know, right? C'mon Jeni's.

It does indeed originate there, KGB—they come back to it again later in the set with the Richard Simmons stuff, and by then it has become an all-purpose punctuation mark.

You're correct, Wad—thanks for the heads up, this has been fixed!

I acknowledged the illustrator's lack of restraints in the writeup, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that all concept art is better than the finished product. I've seen plenty of concept art that made me say, "Yikes, they dodged a bullet there." A lot of early Star Wars (movies) concept art suggests a film inferior