This article from the NY Post might be of interest to you:
I don't think you're reading it wrong at all—I think that's why the "This is your thing" exchange is in there.
Laughed out loud at the Rico "analysis"! I'm on board with that line of reasoning.
I hit the "like" button, but I also wanted to say this is a great analysis all around.
I think you're in the right range for a fine art print, but because of the somewhat special media (Duratrans), I wouldn't go any lower than $400 for Claire's piece.
D'oh. Fixed again…
Thanks! I have added a note, including a nod to your scholarship. Much obliged.
In mine, too
I just want you all to know that I didn't choose the photo for this item, but if I had, this is the photo I would have chosen.
Awesome recall.
I love the phrase "under your own steam," too.
You're right. Stoner David would be the best.
Good call! Yeah, that's an important pivot moment there, isn't it? Ruth is fishing with that inane "Is this corner okay?" question, too. Like, why would she even need to ask that? Fishing for pleasantness, I guess.
Whoa. I never realized that before.
Thank you! Fixed.
Yeah, I've informed the people who create the articles in the CMS that this is happening. I'm not sure where the mix-up is. Sorry for that weirdness. I think it might have to do with the fact that I've had to take a couple weeks off this summer.
@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Okay, since you were so nice to help me and all, I'll record one next week. It has been a while.
You are my personal hero of the day, thank you. I did not expect for a quick Coming Distractions post to turn into such a saga.