John Teti

Yeah, that was pretty awful. They didn't even make much of an effort to hide it. And oh, here's Simon! How did he find us up here at this spontaneous rooftop shindig on the beautiful William Beaver House, 1BR luxury condos starting at $900,000?

Interesting thoughts. On point 2: Aside from being an auctioneer, Simon is a photographer who has had two (IIRC) major gallery shows. No doubt his extensive connections helped make that happen, but he does have at least some experience producing art, although your basic point remains. I think I read somewhere that

Wow, good sleuthing. I'm not sure if these facts make it more or less weird.

This morning, I got an email that included the first paragraph of my writeup — with the phrase "a Jehovah's Witness who essentially shunned him" put into bold — followed by the phrase "Thanks man!!"

1. Thanks for these comments. Hugely appreciated.
2. I have no reason to believe the feature is going away anytime soon.
3. Tell your friends.

That goddamn recharging cord is a little "fuck you" that Sony includes with every PS3. And you can't charge the controller with the console off, so what exactly do they expect? I finally broke down and bought one of these charger stations by Nyko:

We do focus on new games as a rule, but occasionally we'll toss an older one in there because hey, it's still a fun game. A reader suggested Desktop Dungeons and I figured, sure, why not?

Good point, Kielbasa, I hated the subtitles at first, too. For whatever reason, I got used to it, and after the first hour or so, it didn't bother me. I'm not sure why. I think the voice work was so good that I was subconsciously looking forward to the actor's reading — having the text there didn't entirely spoil the

Pink is funny but obvious; nobody expects red.

DeathSpank is just the name of the dude, and it is indeed a terrible name. When I heard the name, I was sure this game would be awful.

I got a preview of Ghost Trick a couple of months ago and was thrilled by it, and I'll play it when it comes to the U.S. for sure. I don't do imports anymore because there's too much stuff to play in English. (Also my Japanese is not what it was a few years ago.) But yeah, the iPhone/iPod Touch stuff is definitely my

Only in the fourth paragraph.

I don't know that I'm rooting for anyone, CM, but I agree with you about Jaclyn, and you make a good case for Peregrine. She still hasn't been featured prominently. I hope/think that will change in the coming weeks.

Hmmm. This thread wins. I was probably too harsh in my opening paragraph.

Re: your last paragraph, interesting thought. Maybe he decided to go out in a blaze of glory. I think he just felt like a cornered cat, though, and yes, in that situation, a guy probably could be that dicky.

I certainly don't think that all public art is bad, just that most of it ends up being bland to avoid raising any hackles—a tendency exemplified by the winner of this episode. I think the term "public art" is what brings my mind to painted cows, as the "public" conjures images of task forces and politicians. A good

You can hear the gasps in the studio audience when George says "jerkoff." That crowd was positively scandalized.

Re: The original post, I wondered about the "are they mean to him because he's naughty or vice versa" question to occupy myself while I was plugging away at the game. The answer seems to be that all the bears are enormous assholes, so it doesn't really matter. They deserve each other.

IGN can kiss my shiny metal AV Club games section.

I think Jeanne made a good point, too. Her character comes across as somewhat vapid on the show at times, but joking aside, her blog posts on the Bravo website are insightful and well-written (even if they are occasionally, like her on-air persona, a bit loopy). Jeanne has grown on me.