John Teti

Yeah, good point. That was something else I wanted to talk about — seems like they give the crit some weight in certain cases and zero weight in others. In this same episode, the judges talked about how one artist's piece was a failure because "I didn't understand it until she explained it to me" (or words to that

Huh. Well, bully for her. Thanks for the wisdom.

Darn. I was a little distracted by E3, so I was afraid I might miss something. Maybe we'll take a look for the next Sawbuck. Also, the column thrives on your suggestions, whether in the comments or emailed to me between editions, so if you see something cool, don't hesitate to get in touch. (My email address is on my

That's a good point. I wish there were more of a back-and-forth. There ought to be more disagreement between judges on this show than on any other, really. Jeanne seems to borrow her opinion from whoever is standing nearby, but I could see Bill becoming more of a pot-stirrer. He was the only one to object to the

You get nothing but confirmation of the gloriousness of your insights.

That does sound cool.

Oops, yeah, that's what I meant, and what David originally said. Corrected.

Well said.

Haha, wait, Nintendo put me onscreen? Where?

Yeah, the comparison made no sense, in more ways than one. It only served to illustrate how clueless game companies can be about the culture outside their gaming bubble.

No prob. Sorry for the sometimes-scattered writeup.

Good point. You could be right, and if so, that's pretty funny/savvy on Miyamoto's part. He said it multiple times, though, so I got the impression he was half-kidding at best.

The main gameplay device, which sees Mickey spewing paint or paint thinner out of his magic paintbrush to create or destroy objects in the environment, looks really chintzy.

Just got word that we're adding the show to the AVC summer lineup, so I'll be back next week.

I'd love to review it regularly. Here's hoping.

I cringed at that same moment. I mean, Jesus, you might have to move two feet to your left, China? How awful. Nao should probably just go ahead and quit art forever after placing that burden on you.

I learned a little bit about Nao's creds after watching the show, although her remark does still come off as pretty grating. (Again, though, that's all the result of diabolical editing.) Thanks for filling in the blanks on her background. Funny that she became a political liability (or at least sideshow) for her

1. It rhymes with "mayo."

There are a lot of unintentionally funny moments. (I mentioned a couple of my favorites in the review.) I love stuff like that. While it has some enormous missteps and was a bitter disappointment on the whole — I was really excited about the branching-spy-story concept — I DID frequently enjoy AP from a

FF6 will hold up until the end of time.