John Strummer

The craziest thing to me, is that while this is what we got a for RAW, this weekend saw Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles in a Iron Man match AND KO, Dean Ambrose, and Sami Zayn in a triple threat match. And both were amazing.

I agree. It's like the writer watched the Hurt Locker, but didn't realize the episodic nature of that film is used as thematic device, whereas in AS it just sort of feels like poor storytelling. It almost gets there a couple of times, like in the early montage where he's just blowing peoples' heads off, but

If the movie had spent more than 5 minutes on Kyle building the relationships with the other disabled vets, and actually showed him getting better, I would agree with you more. I think that the jump from the doctors office to him being a totally normal guy again (even going so far as to point guns at his wife!)

I disagree. The movie totally skirts his PTSD when he tells a doctor that he's totally fine, and the doctor agrees, and they never bring up his PTSD again. At that point, it retroactively makes all those other scenes just about depression because some of his friends died (which is still a worthy topic, as survivors

But it IS the Chris Kyle story. It has his childhood all the up to the ACTUAL footage of his funeral. If it didn't want to be the Chris Kyle story, they should have given the protagonist a different name and dropped all the archival footage. At least at that point it wouldn't have so much baggage associated with it.

My biggest issue with the movie is that Clint chose to end it with actual footage a Kyle's funeral. We can talk all day about the "real" Chris Kyle, and the movie Chris Kyle, and how the movie wasn't trying to accurately depict the "real" story, but as soon as you tack on the very real footage of his funeral, you've

It really does. Also, do you think they knew the correlation of the term "rude" and ska culture when they wrote such a shitty, bland pop-ska song and wrote that chorus? It makes the 16 year old rude-boy me hurt a little. Now my current 28 year self will go listen to a Specials album.