
Diatribe? Hardly. I’d point out that’s poor word-choice, though.

Yes, call someone names, that’s the best way to get your point across.

“It could also be related to the fact that this sexual experience is filtered through the gaze of a middle aged dude, which is not what many people would consider ideal for depictions of pre-adolescent sexuality”

Why is that? Were you King’s editor on the book?

You’re the person to say that? A fiction author wrote a fiction book. You say “literally any other idea” would have served the narrative better? How do you know this? Writers write. People like you criticize. The art is complete, you consume it, don’t presume you know what would work “better”.

Should one write articles without having read about the subject in question, giving it it’s full context? No, they should read the book in it’s entirety and then form an opinion rather than regurgitate fake outrage.

“Acceptable” doesn’t enter into this “discussion”. A writer wrote something. You can debate whether it’s bad or good. There’s no debate about whether it’s acceptable. There is no such thing as acceptable speech. There is free speech or there is not. You say what you want and face the consequences that come to you.

Yeah, I can’t believe the whole of western civilization hasn’t collapsed because fiction authors write fiction. FICTION.

Jeez. Racist and sexist.