
How Peter King and a thousand hot-takers across the nation read this:

As a Browns fan, I co-sign this. It continues to amaze me when my friends get angry and act surprised at the ways the Browns lose. It’s much more fun to watch Browns games on the edge of your seat, wondering HOW they are going to blow it.

You’re now third on the Browns QB depth chart.

The Browns screwed themselves. Or as people of Cleveland call it “Sunday”.

Just incredible assholes. Makes me boil with anger. I kinda want to fight these guys.

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

I am not trying to be a jerk here, but it’s not really scenic Watkins Glen if every photo is a close crop of a car or person.

2 LSU players casually walking past a ref waving his arms calling the play dead?

In the eyes of the NCAA: raping kids > paying kids

Any word on whether Sandusky will be furloughed to be a part of the festivities?

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.

One of the hardest hittin safeties in da leeeeeeeague.

This made me collapse laughing.

I bet the doctors just wanted to see what it was like to sue someone else for a change. Probably just tired of being sued themselves.

Fuck these guys.

+1 glass of water when you have a sec.

Green-wreck-checker finishes are one of the major reasons I stopped watching NASCAR after decades of following the sport and seeing the races live. They are well intentioned but in reality it turns 395 miles of careful race management into 5 miles of whomever gives the least fucks about whoever is around him wins.

This was the perfect microcosm of why NASCAR is dying. It’s full of gimmicks, can take longer to finish than the last two minutes of an NCAA Final Four game, and the fact that a specified race distance can be easily ignored by the rules of the race make it an absolute farce. Oh you had just enough fuel to finish the

I disagree 100% with that email, but if it’s worse than things your uncles (Chuck or otherwise) post on Facebook, you’ve got some pretty tame uncles.

If the WNBA let this go unpunished then most people wouldn’t have heard about it. But thanks to their desire to crush the expression it actually got way more publicity than any normal WNBA coverage gets.

I think this counts as irony.