
You are correct. That was a bad take.

For those not up on their knowledge of the lower divisions of US Soccer, this isn’t surprising but it’s pretty unlikely to go anywhere. NASL has needed waivers every year for the last seven years to meet US Soccer standards for division II, US Soccer granted those waivers because frankly, at the time, there wasn’t a

I dunno, it looks like they just relegated the entire damn league.

(in actual actual fact he’s the best on the team)

I read the comments here for puns and sarcasm. I have no need for steely-eyed logic on deadspin dot com. -1

Begrudgingly starred for logic

As far as I’m concerned big time college football is an illegal price fixing cartel, under any honest reading of law, and I have no affinity for the scool or coach, but if a student has been suspended from an extracurricular once already, its pretty reasonable to think that he was told at that time that any further

Those benches cleared with all the enthusiasm of a middle school gym class pairing up for the week where they square dance in gym.

I could see MLS in theory being able to challenge the NHL as the fourth “major” sport in the US. I think the challenge MLS will have in doing that is that the NHL is at the very least one of the top hockey leagues in the world, if not the best. The NBA is the best basketball league in the world. MLB is the best

He always was a fan of taking the under.

Rose was quick to point out he never had sex with the teen aged daughters of fans of his own team.

That’s Charlie Hustle for you. So much dedication to the game, he’d play ball even without any grass on the field.

Big Baller Brand is taking over.

The NFL only guaranteed the first year of its commitment to domestic violence caring.

The coach makes tactical decisions and off the field decisions. He’s not running out there with the players; he needs someone to be an on field leader. It’s the captain’s role to be that on field leader and make those decisions.

Its almost like the coach chose the captain to be the decider. Like the coach chose... Oh shit, it seems like the coach did his job.

The Captain generally makes on-pitch decisions like that, although most teams have some pre-defined hierarchy of spot-kick takers.

He’s right. The Pacers are dumb. They weren’t even smart enough to have the best player of his generation be born near their city.

You manage to shit on everyone and i’m not even sure what your point is.

I’m an idiot and cannot figure how to post a video.