
Is it creepy that Ghost-Grandpa had a Molotov Cocktail?

Any movie that includes Grandpa's Ghost throwing a Molotov Cocktail and kids peeing on food to keep everyone from becoming a goblin is good enough for me.

"Browning has wildly expressive eyes and body language, but she turns wooden when delivering Snyder and Steve Shibuya’s alternately purple and stilted banter."

Everyone has bouts of minor racism when they're pissed off

Since there's nothing left and it is now among us, I must say I'm moderately disappointed in the first two episodes… something just seems… off. Too many Cameos and structurally didn't come out as well as I would have wanted.

It was important to me

Yes, I am a dictator

OJ got away with it

Now, lets talk about your unhealthy fixation on the phallus.

He's been out of the record industry too long.

Why not just kill his body double and take his place