
Nick Zano reminds me of a young David Lynch.

The previous episode that focused on Quill was the best of the series; she should have her own show. I hope she appears elsewhere in the Whoniverse if Class isn't renewed.

Maybe he's the real Adrian Chase, who's angry that someone stole his name. Or he's Adrian Chase from Earth 2.

I can also see the writers wanting to leave season 3 behind by having Barry start in the speed force for millennia, and then return him back in time to the point just after he left. And then the show carries on as usual.

Barry will most likely spend a few millenia in the speed force, and then when he is released, he'll return back in time to just after the moment he leaves. Then it's business as usual.

Can't be noticable as the classic Star Trek episode where Spock has curly hair when he gets into a fight. (Mirror, Mirror)

Don't listen to the nay-sayers, Spidey. Continue with what you're doing, as long as you're happy.

Just rename or spin-off the show: "Once Upon A Time With Regina".

Wearing clothes is totally uncool; we should all be walking around in our birthday suits.

I wonder if Lena will either buy Catco or start a media subsidiary of L-Corp, hire Kara as a reporter, and become the new Cat Grant.

It's Adrian Chase from Earth 2. Earth 1 Adrian Chase went insane after discovering the existence of parallel earths and dopplegangers and became Prometheus.

Especially since she fought aliens alongside the non-superpowered Team Arrow during the last big crossover.

Of course Kara still trusts Barry; she was in another universe, safely away from the effects of timeline alterations. He didn't mess up her life.

Oliver and Kara on Justice League Unlimited had a big brother/little sister relationship; it would be cool to see that in the Arrowverse.

What's been happening on Legends of Tomorrow is all Barry's fault too.

Just reboot next season with Setrakian, Fet and Quinlan as the three amigos, get rid of Little Shit, and it will be a fantastic final year.

In Judaism there is Shekinah, which represents the feminine aspect of God. There may have been done mention of this in the Gnostic scriptures as well. Interesting what books were left out of biblical canon by the council of Nicea in 325 CE.

Either change Rumple or kill him off; as a villain, he's outlived his usefulness.

Ollie hooking up with the Earth-2 Dinah Lance did indeed happen in the comics, in the pre-Crisis era.

Viewer: "I'm getting tired of this show; I'll just quit watching if they kill off so-and-so."