
What are you talking about? Are you a bot?

Basically, what you’re saying is “Reality doesn’t fit my ideology so I disagree”.

Tech companies have been pushing for more “minorities and women” (odd that they are pushing for more minorities when many of them have tons of minorities...they just aren’t the RIGHT minorities) because they are getting hammered in the press for not having enough. That’s it. End of story.

No. You’re talking about a population that is almost entirely recent. In 1970, 0.8% of the population was Asian. In 1990, it was 2.9%. A huge % of the Asian population has just come here in the last 25 years or so. There is going to be a lag between population % and cultural relevance when a gigantic share of your

We won’t bridge any gaps on the first few paragraphs and the last, but the second to last: Oh Christ, yes. No one said black people weren’t Americans. But its common knowledge that people like seeing people “like them” on screen. Movies with black casts open to largely black crowds. I can’t find the articles right

Yes, BUT: Most Superheros date back how many years? Decades and decades. What were most of those superheros? White and male, because they were created by white males. So its not surprising that this would be the case in a country that is predominantly white (The U.S. was 80% white up until 1980). And you can play the

Kara Brown sees racism in her cornflakes. Fact.

Here’s my overall point: What is the overall point of diversity? According to people like Kara Brown, you need diversity (based on race, ethnicity, gender, sex, etc.) to create products and content that will appeal to the audiences/consumers of color. However, predominantly white tech companies (for the most part the

Also, you say there is no “proper level”. So where do you stand on tech companies that are full of people all over the world, but don’t have many black or Hispanic workers? What’s your justification for successful companies that market well to black people (like Twitter) needing to be more diverse, when in reality a

Its absurd and yet when a group is “under-represented” in something its claimed that whatever happens to be the topic “needs to reflect the country” or some such nonsense.

What is the proper level of diversity? Whenever I ask this, no one answers with anything coherent. What level of diversity would make you happy?

Okay, but let’s actually think about this: What he’s saying in the context of the show that they are on is correct. It doesn’t express his wider viewpoint or worldview. Meanwhile, Jezebel is trying to slander him by calling him racist because he spoke to a black woman like she was an adult and not a child.

“Just so we’re clear, Matt Damon thinks that diversity in Hollywood amounts to simply hiring people of color to be in the movies—not allowing them any power to make the movies themselves.”

Maybe, just maybe, when you’re white, you get so sick of people talking about diversity just for the sake of diversity, that you finally just say “Nah”.

According to UCLA’s 2015 Hollywood Diversity Report only 16.7% of 2013 films starred non-white actors in lead roles

Its hilarious that anyone who had a temper tantrum and lashed out at other journalists for doing their job would pass judgement on others as being “sad”.

I would give anything for the Patriots to go 19-0 this year, cheating the whole way.

Let’s see:

God, I hope the Pats go 19-0 this year.