
I’m just curious about something here: do you think anyone actually cares if you personally wish to switch to an electric car? I see these exactly worded, cut and pasted posts about “my dino-aide car can be refilled quickly, blah blah, not switching, nah nah hah hah”, and it’s just so whiny. Really, doesn’t that get

Both sides the same, huh?

So well put. Thank you.

You’ve nailed this with grace. It’s not clear to me how or why the mom and daughter couldn’t have ended this much, much earlier, and inducing an abortion at 29 weeks really is beyond the pale, absent any other information. I don’t see any evidence or discussion in this about why, if the mother could obtain the

Luck had zero to do with it. Work ethic and pride, and a desire to be the best in the world at what they did is what did it. Even without the global energy crisis, the increasing quality of Japanese engines and automotive technology would not have gone unnoticed. But yes, I agree with the sentiment of what you’re

Perhaps it’s just me. Perhaps not. But the “mechanic” in this video who seems to think that Audi’s are somehow highly reliable BUT it’s the CVTs that are crap lacks credibility with me. Big time. As with most things in life, the design and implementation are the key to reliability, not the concept if it’s a sound one.

This is why I read Jalopnik. Thank you.

My extremely intensive and conclusive research has determined he’s probably messing around with his chief of staff. My two minutes paid off!

I’m confused by “estranged husband looks like he’s in his teens”. He’s a bald 40+ year old man, am I missing something?

That’s absolutely the wrong read of what that person was saying, and unnecessarily mean spirited. What was the point of that?

Ok, I only have one question: is that dude with the double light saber Darth Maul, or not? He did that kind of saucy turn move when fighting Ahsoka that was straight out of the duel he had previously with the Q guy in Phantom Menace, so it has to be him, right?

I suspect you already know the answer to that question. In case you don’t, it’s bad. REAL bad. The increased rolling resistance alone is probably knocking off at least 20%. After you add in the additional loss of aerodynamics (lol, it is a pickup afterall) of jacking that thing up an additonal 1-2', our guy has

you think that governments are seeking to “pad their own pockets”? Could you explain exactly how that works? Who specifically benefits, and why? I’m genuinely curious how this theory plays itself out inside of your head, and why you most likely think that “govts” are out somehow “get” people.

This is not what this is about, sir or ma’am. I’m going to guess you really don’t know what rollin’ coal means or is about outside of what Google searches or Youtubes you may have availed yourself of. If this were simply about good honest folk trying to avoid expensive repairs, we wouldn’t be talking about $100K

Correct on all accounts in my opinion. It’s not that I wouldn’t cheer for a positive outcome that ruled him out from running, I just don’t think it’s likely to happen without some form of legal status assigned to him, i.e. found guilty. The flip side of this is that if it was done without a conviction or some other

This has just got to stop. Especially these shows that don’t end with tidy bows wrapping them up, like ALOTO. It’s not just that it does a disservice to the viewer community, its that its going to change the both the viewing and creative dynamic in very bad ways. People will stop rolling the dice on the smaller

That’s a pretty nice setup. That fill up bill though - oof! I currently drive a Tundra, but am trading for a Sienna. In my line of work, virtually everything I haul could easily fit inside a work or mini-van, and going from my current 14mpg to the 30+mpg that Sienna gets is going to be welcome.

I was with you up to the “whitey” comment. Uncalled for, and ignorant.

No he’s not, at least not in this context. He’s pointing out that the average person working there is likely a very young, tech savvy person without a lot of work related skills, not a professional office worker. He didn’t make an apology for their behavior, he just pointed out that if you got hired for a job that

What truck do you own that gets you that much range??