
100% agree. This has a legit, public safety application. It’s gonna be nearly impossible to find a balance.

I mean this with utmost sincerity: are you aware of what this website is? That’s such an odd question. Similar to running over to Gizmodo and asking an author why they’re obsessed with technology or something.

I thought I would be the first old to make the usual post about not knowing who ANY of these people are. Seriously, I had to Google virtually every single person mentioned, all the way down to the supporting cast. Not a single name stood out as someone I remotely have heard of. A weird thing about celebrity gossip

100% right three with you about Marion. Her character has been such a survivor in so many ways. She’s the best.

John Carmack is the bonafide real deal. I have to admit I was surprised to learn that he was even still involved in all the Meta nonsense. He should have been front and center. The bonafides he brings to the table are invaluable. That being said, I agree with others, he should head his own studio/design space.


No offense, truly, but if you didn’t actually read the article why are you bothering to stop and make comments? It seems like such a waste of your time and everyone else’s.

This is the correct answer. I would simply own a small south Pacific atoll and never be heard from again. Probably spend more than few dollars on food and education programs too, but, you know, anon.

Love this story, excellent job! I’m more curious though about the cost of the battery pack at the “buy it now” price. I think I’m just ignorant as to what these things cost, but I assumed a full on battery pack for an EV would be less than $10K. These appear to be $15-20K, is that correct? Is that a competitive price?

“Boomer”? Seriously? That’s what you got? The sentiment expressed is a valid one; regardless of if the owner is a billionaire, and his company is the largest in the country, it’s still Vietnam. They hardly have a rich and storied history in heavy manufacturing, much less automotive. Hopefully they’ll get to where

I’m not really sure what that would accomplish. There’s nothing else in place that would compel a sitting Senator to vote one way or another, or caucus one way or another, or really do anything but what they pleased despite the (D) that follows their name.

Ok, best comment of the day (week?)

100% nailed that. Jake was a space marine, and know what tools and weapons will be most effective. The Na’vi people treated him like a child because he was childish to them at first.

I’ve read this take, and don’t wholly disagree with the white savior thing at all, but regarding the “really be a Na’vi warrior”... people seem to forget that in his human form he was a space marine, ostensibly trained for combat in ways that would make him extremely effective in combating the humans, in ways that the

Its weird to me when people seem palpably angry about something that literally has zero impact on their lives. It’s a car design. That’s all. It’s not “an abomination”. You simply have a different esthetic you prefer.

Honestly, you sound like a clueless idiot who doesn’t understand technology but thinks you do. As Muck pointed out, AM is an extremely diversified technology that is extremely resistant to service interruption of any kind, and it’s transmission distance virtually guarantees that it’s service will far outlast virtually

How is it remotely possible that people like you are allowed to freely comment here, whereas people like me are in the grays forever? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Yes, Obama personally killed Pontiac and forced GM to eliminate a deeply unpopular Saturn as well. Personally. Obama personally did these things.

Please let’s keep politics out of car talk that has nothing to do with policy. It just doesn’t have any place, and makes people irate and distracts from the discussion. Yes,

There are auto-generated subtitles available if you want, and they’re quite accurate judging from what’s going on with his work and what’s he’s indicating with his hands. Akira is such a classic. I agree, this build of the Kaneda bike is one of my favs as well.

Could someone please pull me back out of the greys? I

Jesus H Christ that’s horrific. Dude was a 23 year old nuclear engineering student working as a courier part time and got nabbed for delivering a package that supposedly contained drugs. Within a very shot amount of time he’s on the front lines in Ukraine, dead. That right there is a microcosm of the evil going on.

I think it’s a bit disingenuous to focus on the mixed race marriage aspect of this. He’s voting this way so he can’t ever be accused of not voting against the gays. As others have pointed out, he’s old enough and rich enough that regardless of outcome it doesn’t apply to him.