
*they’re (and then says their ...)

Pronouns are a bitch aren’t they?

“Gross”? You’ve stumbled across a vehicle that simply doesn’t meet the obviously high standards you rightfully possess, and it’s “gross”? So, if I need to rent a hotel room with two beds, and they only have one, is that “gross”? I must definitely have gotten out of the wrong side of bed this morning, because there

You think Angela Merkel is evil? Ursula von der Leyen? Also evil? Justin Trudeau? A baddie? Just curious.

Yes, because Courtney Stodden seems like a perfectly rational, believable person who all of a sudden is definitely the voice of reason in twitter beeving.

Fix the typo in the headline. It’s Valiant, not Valient.

If you stayed off of cigarettes during the whole COVID thing, you’re a pretty strong person. Congrats on that. And ya, fuck ‘em if anyone criticizes you for some weird body image stuff. That’s on them, not you.

Just curious as to the editorial decision to not include a single photo of said house?

I notice you don’t give an explanation as to _why_ you’re choosing to not get vaxxd. I’ve got a pretty good idea of why that is.

Thank goodness for that.. and I mean that sincerely.

That’s a fair point to make. Doing something kinda dumb the first time and then admitting it was dumb and not wanting to repeat it seems to be a trait in short supply anymore.


You don’t live outside of a large metro with strong public transport I take it. Many Americans do. In my state (Indiana, ya, I know) not having an actual automated vehicle that functions in 4 seasons and can keep me from freezing or being soaked in two of them is simply not an option. It just isn’t. Car pooling also

“reach across and crank it open”.

Hopefully not while you’re at speed on a highway, right? Because that would be a bit of a distraction. You wouldn’t do anything unsafe, now, would you?

I 100% agree with you on this point. I make it every chance I get; we simply didn’t end that war correctly or bring those people to proper justice or punish the other side and establish American preeminence over them. We should have stomped them into the dirt, imprisoned or executed their leadership, and outlawed

Same. I think I still only come back to these Gawker sites out of habit, but there is little to no effort in editing, and the youth and inexperience of the “writers” is really grinding on me as well.

They understood the level of amateurism and lack of awareness, dumbass. Kinda not the same thing. 

It’s a South Park reference, not an aviation reference, although yes they were a real airline.

You’re an idiot. And probably/likely a child.

I’m not sure why attempted suicide (or murder) isn’t considered here. There’s just so many other things that don’t make sense about it, i.e. if the driver mistook the accelerator for the brake pedal with 40+ seconds to figure out the difference, was the driver asleep AND somehow accelerating, etc. This feels a lot

So thirsty. Soooooo soooo thirsty. You’re embarrassing yourself, rando trumper.