DoQui DoQui Panic

One thing that bothered me in the original (don't know if it appears here) is that humanity has developed an extremely advanced form of robotics and yet every single other piece of technology in the show, like mobile phones or computers, is frozen in current or past forms.

Robert: I don't know, whaddya think? You think a princess and a guy like me…
Jaime: [quickly] No.

This episode just completely floored me. The ending was devastating. Angry tears.

Greendale's the way it goes.

Not 'til it's his turn.

More of a big picture issue: The GoT series is not going to have much shelf-life once it's over. The way the story is constantly misdirecting about what constitutes big picture stuff is frustrating and once the end-game is settled on once and for all, people will be skipping over 5 episodes at a time if and when they

I actually found the Wire to be one of the more hopeful drama shows I've seen precisely because it mixes in a shitload of levity and hope with the bleakness and it has a real, burning human core beneath it all- something I'm not convinced GoT has.

John's last words:

Hannibal is knocking it out the fucking park in this season so far.

I read that and thought: "Weevil from Veronica Mars?".

Love the movie, would love the prize, not in US. :(

Not smart.

I already wrote a live action Akira script.

Same. But I'm getting better at the latter.

Mild episode name *Spoilers*

I vote Spidermen Too: 2 many Spidermen above Peeno noir.

Zahmbee Maahkey Maahk Please!

Bittersweet because now I realize that if Harm&co's heart was in it, all of season 6 could have been as good as this episode.

Note: Playing the Amiibo missions also unlocks exclusive gear and 8-bit minigames.

Safety Dance!